Orchestral works

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Bibliographic Information

"Orchestral works"
Statement of Responsibility
  • Mercury
Publication Year
  • c2004
Book size
4 3/4 in.
musical sound recording(compact audio disc)

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Pantomime in one act (disc 2: 1st work); opera in one act (disc 5: 1st)

Sung in Hungarian (disc 5: 1st work) and German (disc 5: 2nd)

Title from spine of container

Olga Szönyi (disc 5: 1st work), Helga Pilarczyk (disc 5: 2nd-4th), sopranos ; Mihály Székely, bass (disc 5: 1st) ; BBC Symphony Chorus (disc 2: 1st) ; Yehudi Menuhin, violin (disc 4: 1st) ; Géza Frid, Luctor Ponse, pianos (disc 2: 3rd) ; Members of the London Symphony Orchestra, percussion (disc 2: 3rd) ; London Symphony Orchestra (disc 1: 1st. disc 3 and disc 5) ; Philharmonia Hungarica (disc 1: 2nd-4th) ; BBC Symphony Orchestra (disc 2: 1st-2nd) ; Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra (disc 4) ; Antal Dorati, conductor

Recorded in Wembley Town Hall, London, 3 July 1962 (disc 1: 1st work), 6 June 1960 (disc 2: 3rd), 5-6 June 1960 (disc 3: 2nd); the Grosser Saal, Konzerthaus, Vienna, 10-11 June 1958 (disc 1: 2nd-4th); Watford Town Hall, 8-9 July 1964 (disc 2: 1st-2nd), 24-25 June 1964 (disc 3: 1st), 19-21 July 1962 (disc 5: 1st), 19 June 1961 (disc 5: 2nd-4th); Carnegie Hall, New York City, 17 February 1957 (disc 4: 1st); Northrop Auditorium, Minneapolis, 26 November 1955 (disc 4: 2nd)

Compact discs; analog recording

Mercury: 475 6255 (475 6256-475 6260)

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    • CiNii Books
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