Norton bankruptcy law and practice
Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Norton bankruptcy law and practice"
- Statement of Responsibility
- William L. Norton, Jr., author and editor-in-chief ; William L. Norton III, author and managing editor
- Publisher
- Thompson / West
- 3rd ed
- Publication Year
- c2008-
- Book size
- 25 cm
- Other Title
- Norton bankruptcy 3d
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v. 1-9. Analysis -- v. 10. Code -- v. 11. Rules -- v. 12-13. Finding Aids
v. 1. chap. 1-19. History. Judicial Structure. Bankruptcy code §§ 101-112 -- v. 2. chap. 20-47. Bankruptcy code §§ 301-366 -- v. 3. chap. 48-60. Bankruptcy code §§ 501-528 -- v. 4. chap. 61-89. Bankruptcy code §§ 541-784 -- v. 5. chap. 90-107. Bankruptcy code §§ 901-1116 -- v. 6. chap. 108-121. Bankruptcy code §§ 1121-1174 -- v. 7. chap. 122-153. Bankruptcy code §§ 1201-1330 -- v. 8. chap. 154-170. Bankruptcy code §§ 1501-1532. Tax considerations, litigation -- v. 9. chap. 171-179. Related laws and issues
v. 10. Bankruptcy code, related legislation, legislative history, editorial commentary, case annotations
v. 11. Bankruptcy rules, related FRCP, FRE, official forms, editorial commentary, case annotations
v. 12. Table of laws, table of cases
v. 13. Index, dictionary of terms
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130000794526501760
- NII Book ID
- BA85424086
- Text Lang
- en
- Country Code
- us
- Title Language Code
- en
- Place of Publication
- St. Paul, Minn.
- Subject
- Data Source
- CiNii Books