Mdo sde rgyan gyi rnam bsad
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Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Mdo sde rgyan gyi rnam bsad"
- Publisher
- Sonam Topgay Kazi
- Publication Year
- 1975
- Book size
- 28 x 38 cm
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In Tibetan; pref. in English
"Comprising a collection of the works of the scholar-saint selected for their rarity from recently unpublished xylographic prints and manuscripts from the libraries of Dudjom Rimpoche, Luding Khen Rimpoche ..."
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130000794994213248
- NII Book ID
- BA04046007
- Text Lang
- bo
- Country Code
- ii
- Title Language Code
- bo
- Place of Publication
- Gangtok
- Data Source
- CiNii Books