Экономические и политические проблемы Африки : статьи польских ученых
Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Экономические и политические проблемы Африки : статьи польских ученых"
- Statement of Responsibility
- [ответственные редакторы, Г.А. Нерсесов и Г.И. Рубинштейн]
- Publisher
- General Microfilm
- [Microfilm ed.]
- Publication Year
- [19--]
- Book size
- 35 mm
- Format
- microform(microfilm reel)
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Title from original t.p
At head of title: Академия наук СССР, Институт Африки
Reprint. Originally published: Москва : Изд-во "Наука", Главная редакция восточной литературы, 1969
Filmed with: Struktur- und Zahlungsbilanzprobleme der westafrikanischen Entwicklungsländer; and, Wanderungen und Kämpfe in Südwestafrika, Ostafrika und Südafrika, 1894-1910; and, Uganda, the background to investment; and, Investment opportunities in Tanganyika; and, Omari : diario de un safarista ingénuo; and, Échanges de vues sur la coopération des grandes entreprises européennes au développement économique de l'Afrique, Francfort, 22 octobre 1970; and, Man-made lakes : a selected guide to the literature : an aid to planning multi-disciplinary research on new African reservoirs; and, Croquis du Katanga d'autrefois; and, Educational development in predominantly rural countries; and, Education for progress : being a report of the proceedings at the 1971 S.A. Institute of Race Relations Conference on Education with special reference to the needs of the Coloured community, together with the findings and recommendations
Filmed with: Поѣздка въ Абиссинію; and, Epidemiological studies of some tuberculosis control measures in a developing country : BCG vaccination with special emphasis on the feasibility of vaccinating naturally infected tuberculin-positive individuals; and, Ein Leben für Südwestafrika : Festschrift Dr.h.c. Heinrich Vedder; and, Christliche Publizistik in Afrika : eine erste Erkundung; and, Ostindiska resa åren 1770 och 1771 : beskrefven uti bref til Kongl. Svenska vet. Academiens Secreterare; and, Lectures on possible ways of speeding up economic and social development in East Africa; and, Экономическое сотрудничество СССР со странами Африки; and, Les Batwa des Ekonda; and, Ontdekkers van Afrika; and, Southern African mammals, 1758 to 1951 : a reclassification
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130000795008842624
- NII Book ID
- BB28614735
- Text Lang
- ru
- Country Code
- us
- Title Language Code
- ru
- Place of Publication
- Cambridge, Mass.
- Data Source
- CiNii Books