The rebirth of towns in the West AD 700-1050 : a review of current research into how, when, and why there was a rebirth of towns between 700 and 1050 : based upon papers presented to the Fourth joint CBA/DUA International Conference on the Rebirth of Towns in the West AD 700-1050 held at the Museum of London on 21-23, March, 1986

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"The rebirth of towns in the West AD 700-1050 : a review of current research into how, when, and why there was a rebirth of towns between 700 and 1050 : based upon papers presented to the Fourth joint CBA/DUA International Conference on the Rebirth of Towns in the West AD 700-1050 held at the Museum of London on 21-23, March, 1986"
Statement of Responsibility
edited by Richard Hodges and Brian Hobley
  • Council for British Archaeology
Publication Year
  • 1988
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