Wind quintets, op. 67 nos. 1-3 ; Quintet for piano and wind, op. 53
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Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Wind quintets, op. 67 nos. 1-3 ; Quintet for piano and wind, op. 53"
- Statement of Responsibility
- Franz Danzi
- Publisher
- King International [distributor]
- Publication Year
- p1991
- Book size
- 4 3/4 in.
- Format
- musical sound recording(compact audio disc)
- Other Title
- 木管五重奏曲ト長調作品67の1
- 木管五重奏曲ホ短調作品67の2
- 木管五重奏曲変ホ長調作品67の3
- ピアノと木管のための五重奏曲ヘ長調作品53
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For flute, oboe, clarinet, horn and bassoon (op. 67); for piano, flute, oboe, clarinet and bassoon (op. 53)
Title on leaflet: 木管五重奏曲ト長調作品67の1 ; 木管五重奏曲ホ短調作品67の2 ; 木管五重奏曲変ホ長調作品67の3 ; ピアノと木管のための五重奏曲ヘ長調作品53
Love Derwinger, piano (op. 53) ; Berlin Philharmonic Wind Quintet
Recorded: 1991-02-09/11 at the Siemens Villa, Berlin, Germany (Op. 67); 1991-10-11 at Danderyd Grammar School (Danaderyds Gymnasium), Sweden (Op. 53)
Compact disc
Program notes in English, German, French and Japanese
BIS: KKCC-2070
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130000795483818880
- NII Book ID
- BA42579036
- Country Code
- sw
- Title Language Code
- en
- Place of Publication
- Djursholm, Sweden
- [Japan]
- Data Source
- CiNii Books