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Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "法学講義"
- Statement of Responsibility
- アダム・スミス著 ; 水田洋訳
- Publisher
- 岩波書店
- Publication Year
- 2005.5
- Book size
- 15cm
- Other Title
- ホウガク コウギ
- Juris prudence, or, Notes from the lectures on justice, police, revenue, and arms delivered in the University of Glasgow by Adam Smith professor of moral philosophy, MDCCLXVI
- An early draft of part of The wealth of nations
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アダム・スミスがグラーズゴウ大学の道徳哲学の教授として行った法学講義の, 学生のノートによる翻訳に, その後発見された関係資料の翻訳をつけ加えたもの
底本: 法学講義: Glasgow University Library, MS Gen. 109. 国富論草稿: William Robert Scott, Adam Smith as student and professor, with unpublished documents, including parts of the "Edinburgh lectures", a draft of The wealth of nations, extracts from the muniments of the University of Glasgow and correspondence. Glasgow, 1937. Part 3, p. 317-356. 分業論断片: Glasgow University Library, Buchan papers
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130000795497280256
- NII Book ID
- BA71854167
- 4003410580
- Text Lang
- ja
- Country Code
- ja
- Title Language Code
- ja
- Place of Publication
- 東京
- Classification
- NDC9: 321
- Subject
- BSH: 法律学
- Data Source
- CiNii Books