The workmen's compensation law : with amendments and annotations ; All laws defining the duties and powers of the Department of Industrial Relations and the Industrial Commission of Ohio : with amendments and annotations ; Rules and regulations governing the application of the Workmen's compensation law
所蔵館 1館
- タイトル
- "The workmen's compensation law : with amendments and annotations ; All laws defining the duties and powers of the Department of Industrial Relations and the Industrial Commission of Ohio : with amendments and annotations ; Rules and regulations governing the application of the Workmen's compensation law"
- 責任表示
- compiled by J.H. Lamneck
- 出版者
- F.J. Heer
- 出版年月
- 1924
- 書籍サイズ
- 25 cm
At head of title: The Department of Industrial Relations and the Industrial Commission of Ohio
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1130000795627160704
- BB19466772
- 本文言語コード
- en
- 出版国コード
- us
- タイトル言語コード
- en
- 出版地
- Columbus, Ohio
- データソース種別
- CiNii Books