Viri illvstris Godefridi Gvil. Leibnitii Epistolae ad diversos : theologici, ivridici, medici, philosophici, mathematici, historici et philologici argvmenti
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Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Viri illvstris Godefridi Gvil. Leibnitii Epistolae ad diversos : theologici, ivridici, medici, philosophici, mathematici, historici et philologici argvmenti"
- Statement of Responsibility
- e msc. avctoris cvm annotationibvs svis primum divvlgavit Christian. Kortholtvs
- Publisher
- Readex Microprint
- Publication Year
- [19--]
- Book size
- 11 × 15 cm
- Format
- microform(microfiche)
- Other Title
- Viri illustris Godefridi Guil. Leibnitii Epistolae ad diversos
- Uiri illustris Godefridi Guil. Leibnitii Epistolae ad diuersos : theologici, iuridici, medici, philosophici, mathematici, historici et philologici argumenti
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"Courtesy of the History of Science Collections, the University of Oklahoma"
Header title: Viri illustris Godefridi Guil. Leibnitii Epistolae ad diversos
Reproduction of: Lipsiae : B.C. Breitkopfii, 1734-1742. 4 v
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130000795857876992
- NII Book ID
- BB01455368
- Country Code
- us
- Title Language Code
- la
- Place of Publication
- New Canaan, CT
- Data Source
- CiNii Books