Ethnohistorical reports on aboriginal land use and occupancy : Spokan Indians, Palus Indians, Columbia Salish, Wenatchi Salish . Ethnohistorical notes on the Columbia, Chelan, Entiat, and Wenatchee tribes . Ethnohistory of the Spokane Indians . Commission findings

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Bibliographic Information

"Ethnohistorical reports on aboriginal land use and occupancy : Spokan Indians, Palus Indians, Columbia Salish, Wenatchi Salish . Ethnohistorical notes on the Columbia, Chelan, Entiat, and Wenatchee tribes . Ethnohistory of the Spokane Indians . Commission findings"
Statement of Responsibility
Stuart A. Chalfant . Verne F. Ray . Angelo Anastasio . Indian Claims Commission
  • Garland Pub.
Publication Year
  • 1974
Book size
23 cm

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1st title: No. 331, before the Indian Claims Commission, Def. Ex. no. 67

2nd title: The Spokane tribe of Indians v. United States no. 331, petitioners exhibit no. 180

3rd title: Docket no. 222, Def. Ex. 69

4th title: Before the Indian Claims Commission, docket no. 224, Def. Ex. 65

5th title: Response of The confederated tribes of the Colville Reservation as the representatives of the Moses Band, no. 224, as amended; and the Yakima tribe, no. 161 v. the United States of America

6th title: Patitioners exhibit 471

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