Mobile intensive care units, advanced emergency care delivery systems : proceedings of the International Symposium on "Mobile Intensive Care Units and Advanced Emergency Care Units", Mainz, September 24th-27th, 1973]
Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Mobile intensive care units, advanced emergency care delivery systems : proceedings of the International Symposium on "Mobile Intensive Care Units and Advanced Emergency Care Units", Mainz, September 24th-27th, 1973]"
- Statement of Responsibility
- edited by R. Frey, E. Nagel, and P. Safar, assistant editor, Petra Rheindorf and Patricia Sands
- Publisher
- Springer-Verlag
- Publication Year
- 1976
- Book size
- 25 cm
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130000796020945664
- NII Book ID
- BA40768581
- 0387075615
- 75045258
- Web Site
- Country Code
- gw
- Title Language Code
- en
- Place of Publication
- Berlin ; New York
- Classification
- LCC: RA645.5
- NLM: W1 An104E v. 95
- NLM: WX218 I615m 1973
- DC: 362.1/04/25
- Data Source
- CiNii Books