Foreste, fauna, parchi nazionali e conseguenti sviluppi turistici in Somalia = Forests, fauna, national parks and relative prospects for tourism in Somalia
Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Foreste, fauna, parchi nazionali e conseguenti sviluppi turistici in Somalia = Forests, fauna, national parks and relative prospects for tourism in Somalia"
- Statement of Responsibility
- Clauser F., Dell'Oca S., Pavan M
- Publisher
- [s.n.]
- [Microfilm ed.]
- Publication Year
- [19--]
- Book size
- 35 mm
- Format
- microform(microfilm reel)
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Title from original t.p
Reprint. Originally published: Roma : [s.n.], 1969
Filmed with: Umutemwikwa; and, W dolinie Kilombero; and, China and the Asian-African Conference (documents); and, Sønderjyder forsvarer Østafrika, 1914-18; and, Rhodesia : the "Fearless" proposals and the six principles; and, Afrika arbetsbok; and, Census in Dighelu village, May 1968; and, Privy Council digest : a digest of decisions of Her Majesty's Privy Council in appeals from West Africa, 1841 to 1964; and, The water resources of the coastal areas of Northern Natal and Zululand; and, A sociological perspective on the South African situation : a paper read at a public meeting of the Institute of Citizenship, Cape Town, on 1 April 1971; and, Productivity and human relations : a talk to an Institute Forum, Cape Town, January, 1968
Filmed with: The Cunama and their marriage ceremonies; and, Ready reckoner in Kwacha and tambala, containing calculations from 1/2 tambala to 99 tambala, discount tables, wages tables-hourly rate, wages tables-daily rate, salary tables, metric conversion table; and, Le Niger indépendant : fraternité-travail-progrès; and, Adult education; and, Sierra Leone : a description of the manners and customs of the liberated Africans; with observations upon the natural history of the colony, and a notice of the native tribes, &c. &c.; and, Afrikaanse kunst; and, Five lectures on the emigration of the Dutch farmers from the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope : and their settlement in the District of Natal, until their formal submission to Her Majesty's authority, in the year 1843; and, Munisipale regering en administrasie in Suid-Afrika
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130000796074391552
- NII Book ID
- BB27278621
- Title Language Code
- it
- Place of Publication
- [S.l.]
- Data Source
- CiNii Books