Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Gorgias ; Protagoras"
- Statement of Responsibility
- [Plato] ; [edited by] Godofredus Stallbaum
- Publisher
- Garland Pub.
- Publication Year
- 1980
- Book size
- 23 cm
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Gorgias. ed. 3., 1861. Protagoras. ed. 2., 1840
Greek text with Latin commentary
"Reprint of various editions of the volumes of the set published by Hennings, Gotha, some of which were issued as v. 11, sect. 1, etc. of Bibliotheca graeca : B., Scriptorum orat. pedestris" -- T.p. verso
Includes index
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130000796096460544
- NII Book ID
- BA03960910
- 78066633
- Web Site
- Country Code
- us
- Title Language Code
- la
- Place of Publication
- New York
- Data Source
- CiNii Books