The Panama Canal and our relations with Colombia : papers relating to the acquisition of the canal zone, including an extract from the message of President Roosevelt, December 7, 1903, and the message relating to the Isthmian Canal, January 4, 1904; an address by the Hon. Elihu Root before the Union League Club, on the "Ethics of the Panama question;" an editorial from the outlook of October 7, 1911, on "How the United States acquired the right to dig the Panama Canal;" the letter of Mr. Hay, secretary of state, to Gen. Rafael Reyes, dated January 5, 1904, and an extract from the autobiography of Mr. Roosevelt

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"The Panama Canal and our relations with Colombia : papers relating to the acquisition of the canal zone, including an extract from the message of President Roosevelt, December 7, 1903, and the message relating to the Isthmian Canal, January 4, 1904; an address by the Hon. Elihu Root before the Union League Club, on the "Ethics of the Panama question;" an editorial from the outlook of October 7, 1911, on "How the United States acquired the right to dig the Panama Canal;" the letter of Mr. Hay, secretary of state, to Gen. Rafael Reyes, dated January 5, 1904, and an extract from the autobiography of Mr. Roosevelt"
  • presented by Mr. Lodge, ordered printed
Publication Year
  • 1914
Book size
24 cm

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"Presented by Mr. Lodge, April 23, 1914.--Ordered printed"

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