The babees book, Aristotle's A B C, Urbanitatis, Stans puer ad mensam, The lytille childrenes lytil boke, the bokes of nurture of Hugh Rhodes and John Russell, Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of keruynge, The booke of demeanor, The boke of curtasye, Seager's Schoole of vertue, &c. &c. with some French & Latin poems on like subjects, and some forewords on education in early England

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Bibliographic Information

"The babees book, Aristotle's A B C, Urbanitatis, Stans puer ad mensam, The lytille childrenes lytil boke, the bokes of nurture of Hugh Rhodes and John Russell, Wynkyn de Worde's Boke of keruynge, The booke of demeanor, The boke of curtasye, Seager's Schoole of vertue, &c. &c. with some French & Latin poems on like subjects, and some forewords on education in early England"
Statement of Responsibility
edited by Frederick J. Furnivall
  • Greenwood Press
Publication Year
  • [1969]
Book size
23 cm
Other Title
  • Manners and meals in olden time

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Originally published in 1868 for the Early English Text Society by Trübner, London

Contents: Pt. 1. Early English poems and treatises on manners and meals in old time -- pt. 2. French and Latin poems on manners and meals in old time

Includes index

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