'Upon the gardens of Epicurus' from Miscellanea, the second part in four essays (1690) . 'Verses to the Right Hon. Lord Viscount Cobham--' from Mr. Congreve's last will and testament (1729) . Stowe, the gardens of the Right Honourable Richard Lord Viscount Cobham. Address'd to Mr. Pope (1732) . A description of the Royal Gardens at Richmond in Surry, the village and places adjacent (1736) . A description of the gardens of Lord Viscount Cobham at Stow in Buckinghamshire (1744) . A dialogue : containing a description of the gardens of the Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Cobham at Stow in Buckinghamshire (1751) . A particular account of the Emperor of China's gardens near Pekin (1752) . Rural architecture in the Chinese taste (1752)

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Bibliographic Information

"'Upon the gardens of Epicurus' from Miscellanea, the second part in four essays (1690) . 'Verses to the Right Hon. Lord Viscount Cobham--' from Mr. Congreve's last will and testament (1729) . Stowe, the gardens of the Right Honourable Richard Lord Viscount Cobham. Address'd to Mr. Pope (1732) . A description of the Royal Gardens at Richmond in Surry, the village and places adjacent (1736) . A description of the gardens of Lord Viscount Cobham at Stow in Buckinghamshire (1744) . A dialogue : containing a description of the gardens of the Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Cobham at Stow in Buckinghamshire (1751) . A particular account of the Emperor of China's gardens near Pekin (1752) . Rural architecture in the Chinese taste (1752)"
Statement of Responsibility
Temple, Sir William . Congreve, William . Anon. (West, Gilbert) . Anon . Anon . Anon . Attiret, Jean Denis . Halfpenny, William
  • Eureka Press
Publication Year
  • 2006
Book size
27 cm
Other Title
  • "Upon the gardens of Epicurus" from Miscellanea, the second part in four essays (1690)
  • "Verses to the Right Hon. Lord Viscount Cobham--" from Mr. Congreve's last will and testament (1729)

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  • Place of Publication
    • Toyonaka, Osaka
  • Data Source
    • CiNii Books
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