Uluğ Bey ve Semerkanddeki ilim faaliyeti hakkında Gıyasüddin-i Kâşî'nin mektubu = Ghiyâth al Dîn al Kâshî's letter on Ulugh Bey and the scientific activity in Samarqand

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Bibliographic Information

"Uluğ Bey ve Semerkanddeki ilim faaliyeti hakkında Gıyasüddin-i Kâşî'nin mektubu = Ghiyâth al Dîn al Kâshî's letter on Ulugh Bey and the scientific activity in Samarqand"
Statement of Responsibility
Aydın Sayılı
  • Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi
  • 2. baskı
Publication Year
  • 1985
Book size
25 cm

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Persian text with translation into Turkish and English preceded by commentary in Turkish and English

First ed. published in 1960

Part of a volume of mss. in the Sipahsâlâr Mosque Library of Tehran, numbered 2916

Includes bibliographical references and index

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