
Bibliographic Information

  • Questar, Inc. [distributor]
Publication Year
  • c2003
Book size
12 cm
Other Title
  • Nature: Chimpanzees
Uniform Title
  • Nature (Television program)

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Both programs narrated and hosted by George Page

Credits: Produced for PBS by Thirteen/WNET New York ; executive producer, Fred Kaufman ; Jane Goodall's wild chimpanzees program: a co-production of Partridge Films Ltd. & Thirteen/WNET. For Partridge Films: Executive producers, Hugo van Lawick & Michael Rosenberg; producers, John Waters and Gil Domb; photographers, John Waters, Gil Domb, and Bill Wallauer; writer, Anne MacLeod. For NATURE: Executive producer, Fred Kaufman; executive editor, George Page. Monkey in the mirror: a co-production of Thirteen/WNET and BBC-TV. For BBC-TV: produced by Karen Bass ; executive producer, John Sparks ; written by Pelham Aldrich-Blake. For NATURE: Executive Producer, Fred Kaufman

Double program. These programs were originally broadcast as part of the Nature series on PBS. Jane Goodall's wild chimpanzees, c1996 ; Monkey in the mirror, c1995

MPAA rating: Not rated

Summary: The first program goes into Tanzania's Gombe National Park to observe the daily life of the chimpanzee clan Jane Goodall has known since the days of her research in the 1960s. The second program delves into the questions are chimps and other primates similar to us? How does their intelligence compare to our own? Answers are found both in the laboratory and in the wild. The program also goes to Central Zaire to observe pygmy chimps (bonobos) in the wild


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