Suites of lux : strings

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Bibliographic Information

"Suites of lux : strings"
Statement of Responsibility
  • Basta
Publication Year
  • [200-]
Book size
12 cm
musical sound recording(compact audio disc)

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For violoncello and piano (disc 2: 1st and 6th works); for piano (disc 2: 2nd and 5th); for violin (disc 2: 4th)

Roeland Gehlen (disc 2: 3rd work), Benjamin Schmid (disc 2: 4th), violins ; Monica Germino, electric violin (disc 1: 4th) ; René Berman, violoncello (disc 2: 1st, 3rd and 6th) ; Kees Wieringa (disc 2: 1st-2nd and 5th-6th), Frank Peters (disc 2: 3rd), pianos ; The Netherlands Quartet (disc 1: 1st-3rd)

Recorded: September 1996 at the Roman Catholic Church of Rhoon, The Netherlands (disc 1: 1st-3rd works); in main auditorium Vredenburg, Utrecht, The Netherlands on September 13 and 14 1993 (disc 2: 1st and 5th-6th); December 16 2006 at the ArtEZ-Conservatoire in Arnhem (disc 2: 3rd); at the Buiksloterkerk, Amsterdam-Noord, June 4 2003 (disc 2: 2nd); at the Old-Catholic Church in Delft, October 19-22, 1999 (disc 2: 4th); November 4 2004 at Boombox Studio in Doorn, NL (disc 1: 4th)

Compact discs

Program notes (27 p.) bound in container

Basta: 3091752

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Details 詳細情報について

  • CRID
  • NII Book ID
  • Country Code
  • Title Language Code
  • Place of Publication
    • [S.l.]
  • Data Source
    • CiNii Books
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