Philo : in ten volumes
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Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Philo : in ten volumes"
- Statement of Responsibility
- with an English translation by F.H. Colson and G.H. Whitaker
- Publisher
- W. Heinemann
- G.P. Putnam
- Publication Year
- 1929-1941
- Book size
- 17 cm
- Series Name / No
- 1 : American
- 1 : British
- 2 : American
- 2 : British
- 3 : American
- 3 : British
- 4 : American
- 4 : British
- 5 : American
- 5 : British
- 6 : American
- 6 : British
- 7 : American
- 7 : British
- 8 : American
- 9 : American
- 9 : British
- Other Title
- Philo
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Greek text and parallel English translation on opposite pages
Subtitle not found in some copies and in later printings appears: (and two supplementary volumes)
Subtitle of some copies: in eleven volumes
[Vol.] 6-9 translated by F.H. Colson
[Vol.] 10 and suppl. 1-2 have distinctive title, see <BA04581474> for v. 10, <BA04581973> for supp.1, <BA0458215X> for suppl. 2
[Vol.] 6- published in U.S.: Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press
Publisher's name "W. Heinemann" not appeared in some copies
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130000796817735936
- NII Book ID
- BA00903761
- 0674992490
- 0434992267
- 0674992504
- 0434992275
- 0674992725
- 043499247X
- 0674992873
- 0434992615
- 0674993039
- 0434992755
- 0674993195
- 0434992895
- 0674993535
- 0434993204
- 9780674993761
- 0674994000
- 0434993638
- Country Code
- uk
- Title Language Code
- en
- Place of Publication
- London
- New York
- Data Source
- CiNii Books