Premier livre de pièces pour la flûte-traversiere, et autres instruments, avec la basse, œuvre second
Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Premier livre de pièces pour la flûte-traversiere, et autres instruments, avec la basse, œuvre second"
- Statement of Responsibility
- Jacques Hotteterrre
- Publisher
- Performers' Facsimiles
- Nouv. ed
- Publication Year
- [1998]
- Book size
- 22 x 27 cm
- Format
- printed music(full score)
- Uniform Title
- Hotteterre, Jacques, 1674-1763 -- Pièces, op. 2
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Principally suites, for flute and continuo; the final 3 selections for 2 flutes and continuo, and for flute alone
Figured bass unrealized
Facsim. of the 2nd edition originally published: Paris : Chez L'auteur, le Sieur Foucault, 1715
Reproduced from a copy in a private collection
Publisher's no. (Performers' Editions): 28177
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130000796883436160
- NII Book ID
- BA72250084
- 00522857
- Web Site
- Country Code
- us
- Title Language Code
- fr
- Place of Publication
- New York
- Classification
- LCC: M242
- Subject
- Data Source
- CiNii Books