श्रीभोजराजविरचितम् अलङ्कारशास्त्रीयं सरस्वतीकण्ठाभरणम् = Sarasvatīkaṇṭhābharaṇam of King Bhoja (on poetics) : text and translation
Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "श्रीभोजराजविरचितम् अलङ्कारशास्त्रीयं सरस्वतीकण्ठाभरणम् = Sarasvatīkaṇṭhābharaṇam of King Bhoja (on poetics) : text and translation"
- Statement of Responsibility
- edited and translated by Sundari Siddhartha ; assisted by Hema Ramanathan
- Publisher
- Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
- Motilal Banarsidass Publishers
- Publication Year
- 2009
- Book size
- 25 cm
- Series Name / No
- : set
- v. 1
- v. 2
- v. 3
- Other Title
- श्री भोज राज विरचितम् अलङ्कार शास्त्रीयं सरस्वती कण्ठ आभरणम्
- Sarasvatīkaṇṭhābharaṇa
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English and Sanskrit
Contents: v. 1. chapters 1 & 2. -- v. 2. chapters 3 & 4. -- v. 3. chapter 5
Summary: Treatise on the fundamentals of Sanskrit poetics; critical edition
Includes bibliographical references (v. 3. p. 1293-1298) and indexes
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130000797098257920
- NII Book ID
- BA90680438
- 9788120832848
- 9788120832817
- 9788120832824
- 9788120832831
- 2009312390
- Web Site
- https://lccn.loc.gov/2009312390
- Country Code
- ii
- Title Language Code
- sa
- Place of Publication
- New Delhi
- Delhi
- Subject
- LCSH: Sanskrit poetry -- History and criticism
- LCSH: Poetics
- Data Source
- CiNii Books