Commutative algebra : interactions with algebraic geometry : international conference, Grenoble, France, July 9-13, 2001 : Special Session at the Joint International Meeting of the American Mathematical Society and the Société mathématique de France, Lyon, France, July 17-20, 2001

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Bibliographic Information

"Commutative algebra : interactions with algebraic geometry : international conference, Grenoble, France, July 9-13, 2001 : Special Session at the Joint International Meeting of the American Mathematical Society and the Société mathématique de France, Lyon, France, July 17-20, 2001"
Statement of Responsibility
Luchezar L. Avramov ... [et al.], editors
  • American Mathematical Society
Publication Year
  • c2003
Book size
26 cm

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"The authors of the papers collected in this volume gave invited talks at one of the following meetings, held in France during the summer of 2001: Algèbre commutative. Interactions avec la géometrie algébrique, Institut Fourier, Grenoble, July 9-July 13, 2001; Commutative algebra and its interactions with algebraic geometry, Special Session at the Joint Meeting of the American Mathematical Society and the Société mathématique de France, Lyon, 17-July 20, 2001."--Introd

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