Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Methods for assessing exposure of human and non-human biota"
- Statement of Responsibility
- edited by Robert G. Tardiff, Bernard D. Goldstein ; prepared by Scientific Group on Methodologies for the Safety Evaluation of Chemicals (SGOMSEC)
- Publisher
- J. Wiley
- Publication Year
- c1991
- Book size
- 24 cm
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Papers of a workshop held at the fifth SGOMSEC meeting in Mexico City, Aug. 12-15, 1985
"Published on behalf of the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), and the International Program on Chemical Safety (IPCS) of the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), and the International Labour Organization (ILO)."
Includes bibliographical references and index
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130000797451368704
- NII Book ID
- BA1356009X
- 0471929549
- 90024342
- Web Site
- Text Lang
- en
- Country Code
- uk
- Title Language Code
- en
- Place of Publication
- Chichester, West Sussex, England ; New York
- Data Source
- CiNii Books