Summary discharge or mustering out of regiments or companies : message from the President of the United States transmitting a report from the Secretary of War together with several documents, including a letter of General Nettleton, and memoranda as to precedents for the summary discharge or mustering out of regiments or companies


"Summary discharge or mustering out of regiments or companies : message from the President of the United States transmitting a report from the Secretary of War together with several documents, including a letter of General Nettleton, and memoranda as to precedents for the summary discharge or mustering out of regiments or companies"
  • G.P.O.
  • 1908
22 cm
  • v. 1
  • v. 2
  • Affray at Brownsville, Texas
  • Summary discharge or mustering out of regiments or companies : message from the President of the United States transmitting a letter from the Secretary of War containing additional testimony in the Brownsville case
  • Summary discharge or mustering out of regiments or companies. Letter from the Secretary of War transmitting additional testimony and exhibits in the Brownsville case



Reprint ([pt. 1] and pt. 2). Originally published: 59th Congress, 2d session, Senate document, no. 155

"March 11, 1908.--Ordered to be printed with illustrations"--T.p. verso

P. 9 signed by Theodore Roosevelt

Part 2 has title: Summary discharge or mustering out of regiments or companies : message from the President of the United States transmitting a letter from the Secretary of War containing additional testimony in the Brownsville case

Part 3 has title: Summary discharge or mustering out of regiments or companies : letter from the Secretary of War transmitting additional testimony and exhibits in the Brownsville case

Includes 2 folded leaves of plates in plates

Includes index



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