Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "思想史論集"
- Statement of Responsibility
- F.A. Hayek [著] ; 中山智香子, 太子堂正称, 吉野裕介訳
- Publisher
- 春秋社
- Publication Year
- 2009.7
- Book size
- 22cm
- Other Title
- シソウシ ロンシュウ
- Studies in philosophy, politics and economics
- New studies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas
- The trend of economic thinking : essays on political economists and economic history
- The fortunes of liberalism : essays on Austrian economics and the ideal of freedom
- Studies in history of ideas
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「Studies in philosophy, politics and economics 」「New studies in philosophy, politics, economics and the history of ideas 」「The trend of economic thinking : essays on political economists and economic history 『英語版ハイエク全集第3巻』」「The fortunes of liberalism : essays on Austrian economics and the ideal of freedom 『英語版ハイエク全集第4巻』」に収録されたものの翻訳
監訳: 八木紀一郎
注: 各論文末
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130000797558105472
- NII Book ID
- BA9084490X
- 9784393621974
- Text Lang
- ja
- Country Code
- ja
- Title Language Code
- ja
- Place of Publication
- 東京
- Subject
- NDLSH: 経済学
- Data Source
- CiNii Books