Symphony no. 9 "From the new world"
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Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Symphony no. 9 "From the new world""
- Statement of Responsibility
- Dvořák
- Publisher
- Denon
- Publication Year
- 2010, p1994
- Book size
- 12 cm.
- Format
- musical sound recording(compact audio disc)
- Other Title
- The concert in celebration of the centenary of the first performance of the "New world symphony"
- 「新世界交響曲」初演100年記念コンサート・ライヴ
- 交響曲第9番ホ短調作品95「新世界より」
- Symphony no. 9 in E minor, op. 95 "From the new world"
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Czech Philharmonic Orchestra ; Václav Neumann, conductor
Recorded: 1993年12月11, 12日, プラハ, ルドルフィヌム, ドヴォルザーク・ホール (live recording)
Compact disc
Denon: COCO-73088
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130000797647268352
- NII Book ID
- BB15901359
- Country Code
- ja
- Title Language Code
- en
- Place of Publication
- [Japan]
- Data Source
- CiNii Books