Труды третьей комиссии международной ассоциации почвоведов = Comptes rendus de la troisiéme commission de l'association internationale de la science du sol = Transactions of the third commission of the international society of soil science
Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Труды третьей комиссии международной ассоциации почвоведов = Comptes rendus de la troisiéme commission de l'association internationale de la science du sol = Transactions of the third commission of the international society of soil science"
- Publisher
- [International society of soil science] Soviet Section
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130000797667980800
- NII Book ID
- BA74234453
- Country Code
- ru
- Title Language Code
- ru
- Place of Publication
- Moscow
- Data Source
- CiNii Books