CMS register of missionaries, 1804-1918, (annotated and manuscript versions), History of the Church Missionary Society and the catalogues to the overseas archive and Loochoo, CEZMS and FES archives
Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "CMS register of missionaries, 1804-1918, (annotated and manuscript versions), History of the Church Missionary Society and the catalogues to the overseas archive and Loochoo, CEZMS and FES archives"
- Publisher
- Adam Matthew
- Publication Year
- 1998
- Book size
- 35 mm
- Format
- microform(microfilm reel)
Search this Book/Journal
Reel 1. Annotated register of missionaries, 1804-1904 -- Reel 2. Annotated register of missionaries, 1804-1904, Additional registers, 1804-1904 -- Reel 3. Register of male missionaries, 1905-1918, Register of female missionaries, 1905-1918 -- Reel 4. Name index of native clergy, Register of native clergy volumes A-D, 1905 onwards -- Reel 5. Register of native clergy volumes E-J, 1905 onwards -- Reel 6. History of the CMS by Eugene Stock, volumes I and II, 1899 -- Reel 7. History of the CMS by Eugene Stock, volume III, 1899 -- Reel 8. History of the CMS by Eugene Stock, volume IV, 1916 -- Reel 9. Catalogues to overseas archive groups 1/2 - Canada, China, Japan, Ceylon, India, etc, Loochoo archive -- Reel 10. Catalogues to overseas archive groups 3 - Africa, etc and 1935-1949, CEZMS archive, FES archive
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130000797859693696
- NII Book ID
- BA73884271
- Text Lang
- en
- Country Code
- uk
- Title Language Code
- en
- Place of Publication
- Marlborough, Wiltshire
- Classification
- LCC: BV2500
- LCC: Microfilm 99/20
- DC21: 266/.3
- Subject
- Data Source
- CiNii Books