Reflexões sobre problemas da infância africana
Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Reflexões sobre problemas da infância africana"
- Statement of Responsibility
- Armando Martins Tavares
- Publisher
- General Microfilm
- [Microfilm ed.]
- Publication Year
- [19--]
- Book size
- 35 mm
- Format
- microform(microfilm reel)
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Title from original t.p
Reprint. Originally published: Luanda [Angola] : Instituto de Investigação Científica de Angola, 1973. (Publ. IICA ; 285)
Filmed with: LTC reprint, no. 99 (p. 2-26), 101 (p. 2-66), 111 (p. 95-121), 120 (p. 2-7, 9-24) ; and, Folclore angolano : cinquenta contos quiocos : texto bilingue; and, Agron. Moçamb., 8 (1) (p. 1-10, 11-18, 19-30, 31-37, 39-45, 47-59, 61-69); and, Standard Bank review, Sept. 1974 (p. 3-6); and, Arnoldia, Rhodesia : series of miscellaneous publications, v. 6, no. 31 (p. 1-7), 32 (p. 1-9), 33 (p. 1-3), 34 (p. 1-19), 35 (p. 1-5), 36 (p. 1-6), 37 (p. 1-7); and, Printing and publishing in Kenya; and, Samaru research bulletin, 215 (p. 159-164), 217 (p. 1-11); and, The geology of the area around Dukwe and Tlalamabele, Central District, Botswana
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130000797875079168
- NII Book ID
- BB2784805X
- Text Lang
- pt
- Country Code
- us
- Title Language Code
- pt
- Place of Publication
- Cambridge, Mass.
- Data Source
- CiNii Books