Nuclear techniques for assessing and improving ruminant feeds : proceedings of a combined consultants meeting on nuclear techniques for assessing and improving ruminant feeds and of the first research co-ordination meeting on non-protein nitrogen and agro-industrial by-products utilization by ruminants with particular reference to developing countries
Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Nuclear techniques for assessing and improving ruminant feeds : proceedings of a combined consultants meeting on nuclear techniques for assessing and improving ruminant feeds and of the first research co-ordination meeting on non-protein nitrogen and agro-industrial by-products utilization by ruminants with particular reference to developing countries"
- Statement of Responsibility
- organized by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Isotope and Radiation Applications of Atomic Energy for Food and Agricultural Development and held in Vienna from 30 November to 4 December 1981
- Publisher
- International Atomic Energy Agency
- UNIPUB, distributor]
- Publication Year
- 1983
- Book size
- 24 cm
- Series Name / No
- pbk.
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130000798245683712
- NII Book ID
- BA0683790X
- 9201111835
- 84191856
- Web Site
- Text Lang
- en
- Country Code
- au
- Title Language Code
- en
- Place of Publication
- Vienna
- [New York, NY
- Classification
- LCC: SF97.5
- DC19: 636.2/0855
- Data Source
- CiNii Books