Gamma irradiation : properties, effects and development of new materials

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Bibliographic Information

"Gamma irradiation : properties, effects and development of new materials"
Statement of Responsibility
Jaime Brock, editor
  • Nova Science Publishers
Publication Year
  • c2021
Book size
23 cm
Series Name / No
  • : pbk

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Includes bibliographical references and index

Summary: "Gamma radiation is a penetrating form of electromagnetic radiation arising from the radioactive decay of atomic nuclei. This type of radiation imparts the highest photon energy, and while it can damage the human body, it also provides several practical applications. Chapter One describes the application of gamma radiation for the sterilization process in medical devices, the food industry, and nuclear power plants, as well as its behavior, properties, and other applications. Chapter Two deals with the effects induced by gamma radiation, new research focused on the changes caused by gamma radiation, and the contributions of dosimetry to the understanding of gamma radiation. Chapter Three describes the use of radiation for inducing mutations in modern plant breeding. Chapter Four analyzes the effects of gamma irradiation on different carbon-based nanomaterials. Lastly, Chapter Five addresses the importance of using polylactic acid and gamma radiation for producing novel polymer composites, which enhan

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