國運的轉危為安 : 再探民國政府遷臺初期的軍事與外交 (1949-1955) = Setting the course from peril to peace: re-examining the Republic of China's military and diplomatic affairs during the early years on Taiwan, 1949-1955
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Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "國運的轉危為安 : 再探民國政府遷臺初期的軍事與外交 (1949-1955) = Setting the course from peril to peace: re-examining the Republic of China's military and diplomatic affairs during the early years on Taiwan, 1949-1955"
- Statement of Responsibility
- 胡為真著
- Publisher
- 開源書局出版
- 民國歴史文化學社
- Publication Year
- 2024.3
- Book size
- 21cm
- Series Name / No
- : 平裝
- Other Title
- コクウン テキ テンキ イアン : サイタン ミンコク セイフ センタイ ショキ テキ グンジ ヨ ガイコウ
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中英文主要參考書目: p426-437
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130018961243400066
- NII Book ID
- BD07195967
- Text Lang
- zh
- Country Code
- cc
- Title Language Code
- zh
- Place of Publication
- 香港
- 臺北
- Data Source
- CiNii Books