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Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "シェイクスピア"
- Statement of Responsibility
- [シェイクスピア著] ; 中野好夫 [ほか] 訳
- Publisher
- 筑摩書房
- Publication Year
- 1959.9-1965.3
- Book size
- 23cm
- Other Title
- Julius Caesar
- Twelfth Night
- Merry wives of Windsor
- Hamlet
- Othello
- King Lear
- Macbeth
- Shakespeare and the stoicism of Seneca
- The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
- A midsummer-night's dream
- The merchant of Venice
- The first part of King Henry IV
- The life of King Henry V
- Antony ad Cleopatra
- The tempest
- Shakespeare's world
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[1] のその他の訳者: 小津次郎, 西川正身, 三神勲, 木下順二, 斎藤勇
2のその他の訳者: 平井正穂, 菅泰男, 大山俊一, 小津次郎, 和田勇一
年譜: 1 p443-446
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130282268652726016
- NII Book ID
- BN01872155
- Text Lang
- ja
- Country Code
- ja
- Title Language Code
- ja
- Place of Publication
- 東京
- Classification
- NDC8: 908
- Data Source
- CiNii Books