The mediæval courts of love : a paper read before ye Sette of odd volumes at ye 421st meeting of ye Sette, held at the Royal Adelaide Gallery of February 22nd, 1927
所蔵館 1館
- タイトル
- "The mediæval courts of love : a paper read before ye Sette of odd volumes at ye 421st meeting of ye Sette, held at the Royal Adelaide Gallery of February 22nd, 1927"
- 責任表示
- by Vyvyan Holland
- 出版者
- [Imprynted at Ye Cayme Press]
- 出版年月
- [1927]
- 書籍サイズ
- 15 cm
"This edition is limited to 133 copies, and is imprynted for private circulation only"--[5] p.
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1130282268728476416
- BA61391175
- 本文言語コード
- en
- 出版国コード
- uk
- タイトル言語コード
- en
- 出版地
- [London]
- 分類
- LCC: AC1
- 件名
- LCSH: Courts of love
- データソース種別
- CiNii Books