Fiscal relation between the United States and the District of Columbia : report of the Joint select committee of the Congress of the United States pursuant to Public act 268, directing a select committee to prepare and submit to Congress a statement of the proper proportion of the expenses of the government of the District of Columbia, or any branch thereof, including interest on funded debt, which shall be borne by said district and the United States respectively, together with the reasons upon which their conclusions may be based, together with the Hearings held before the Select committee thereon [Oct. 25-Nov. 16, 1915]


"Fiscal relation between the United States and the District of Columbia : report of the Joint select committee of the Congress of the United States pursuant to Public act 268, directing a select committee to prepare and submit to Congress a statement of the proper proportion of the expenses of the government of the District of Columbia, or any branch thereof, including interest on funded debt, which shall be borne by said district and the United States respectively, together with the reasons upon which their conclusions may be based, together with the Hearings held before the Select committee thereon [Oct. 25-Nov. 16, 1915]"
  • G P.O.
  • 1916
24 cm
  • v.1
  • v.2



"Additional views of Mr. Works": p. xxvii-lxiv

Some impression has vol. no. on added t.p



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