Coordination compounds
Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Coordination compounds"
- Statement of Responsibility
- authors, Jean-Claude Maire ... [et al.] ; editors, Helga Demmer ... [et al.] ; nomenclature, Ursula Hettwer ; chief editor, Marlis Mirbach
- Publisher
- Springer
- Publication Year
- 1992-
- Book size
- 26 cm
- Series Name / No
- 1 : gw
- 1 : us
- 2 : gw
- 2 : us
- 3 : gw
- 3 : us
Search this Book/Journal
2-3: authors, Mirjana Kotowski ... [et al.] ; editors, Mirjana Kotowski, Marlis Mirbach ; nomenclature, Ursula Hettwer ; chief editor, Marlis Mirbach
"Literature closing date: 1990. In some cases more recent data have been considered."--T.p. verso (v. 1)
"Literature closing date: 1993. In some cases more recent data have been considered."--T.p. verso (v. 2)
"Literature closing date: 1993. In some cases more recent date have been considered."--T.p. verso (v. 3)
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130282268858612608
- NII Book ID
- BA19113775
- 3540936572
- 0387936572
- 3540937080
- 0387937080
- 354093717X
- 038793717X
- 25001383
- Text Lang
- en
- Country Code
- gw
- Title Language Code
- en
- Place of Publication
- Berlin ; Tokyo
- Data Source
- CiNii Books