Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "České gotické umění"
- Statement of Responsibility
- Josef Ehm ; úvod napsal Jaroslav Pešina ; text k vyobrazením Jaromír Homolka
- Publisher
- Pressfoto
- 1. vyd
- Publication Year
- 1977
- Book size
- 17 cm
- Other Title
- Чешское Готическое Искусство
- Böhmische Gotische Kunst
- Czech Gothic art
- L'art gothique Tchèque
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Title on added t.p.: Чешское Готическое Искусство = Böhmische Gotische Kunst = Czech Gothic art = L'art gothique Tchèque
Text in various languages: Czech, English, German, Russian and French
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130282268998311552
- NII Book ID
- BA55317837
- 77563328
- Web Site
- Country Code
- xr
- Title Language Code
- cs
- Place of Publication
- Praha
- Subject
- LCSH: Art, Gothic -- Czechoslovakia
- LCSH: Art, Czech
- Data Source
- CiNii Books