The redeemed captive, returning to Zion ; the redeemed captive, returning to Zion (3rd edition, enlarged) ; the redeemed captive, returning to Zion (1853 edition)

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"The redeemed captive, returning to Zion ; the redeemed captive, returning to Zion (3rd edition, enlarged) ; the redeemed captive, returning to Zion (1853 edition)"
Statement of Responsibility
John Williams .
  • Garland
Publication Year
  • 1978
Book size
19 cm
Other Title
  • Narratives of Indian captivities
  • The redeemed captive returning to Zion : a faithful history of remarkable occurrences, in the captivity and the deliverance of Mr. John Williams
  • The redeemed captive returning to Zion: or, A faithful history of remarkable occurrences in the captivity and deliverance of Mr. John Williams, minister of the gospel in Deerfield : who in the desolation which befel that plantation by an incursion of the French and Indians, was by them carried away, with his family and his neighborhood, into Canada

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[1] Reprint of the 1707 ed. printed by B. Green for S. Phillips, Boston, under title: The redeemed captive returning to Zion : a faithful history of remarkable occurrences, in the captivity and the deliverance of Mr. John Williams. [2] Reprint of the 3rd ed., enl., 1758, printed and sold by S. Kneeland, Boston under title: The redeemed captive returning to Zion : a faithful history of remarkable occurrences, in the captivity and the deliverance of Mr. John Williams. [3] Reprint of the 1853 ed. published by Hopkins, Bridgman, Northampton, under title: The redeemed captive returning to Zion: or, A faithful history of remarkable occurrences in the captivity and deliverance of Mr. John Williams, minister of the gospel in Deerfield : who in the desolation which befel that plantation by an incursion of the French and Indians, was by them carried away, with his family and his neighborhood, into Canada

[1]: "Newberry Library (Ayer *256.W7.1707)". [2]: "Newberry Library (Ayer 256.W7.1758)". [3]: "Newberry Library (Ayer 256.W7.1853)"

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