Vikramāditya tales from Mongolia
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Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Vikramāditya tales from Mongolia"
- Statement of Responsibility
- reproduced by Charles R. Bawden
- Publisher
- International Academy of Indian Culture
- Publication Year
- 1962
- Book size
- 29 cm
- Other Title
- विक्रमादित्यचरितम्
- विक्रमादित्य चरितम्
- Enedkeg-u̇n ġajar-un Big̲armijid Qaġan-u tuġuji orosibai
- Vikramādityacarita
- शतपिटकस्य मोंगोल-पिटके, 6. भागः
- Mongol-piṭaka : being the Mongolian collectanea in the series of Indo-Asian literatures forming the Śatapiṭaka, vol. 6
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Text in Mongolian (Mongolian script); foreword and introduction in English
"बोधनेन सम्पादितम्"--Preceding of foreword
Text reproduced from the rare 1924 Ulanbator ed
Includes bibliographical references
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130282269220623872
- NII Book ID
- BA27671882
- Country Code
- ii
- Title Language Code
- en
- Place of Publication
- New Delhi
- Data Source
- CiNii Books