Critical sets in 3-space . Biquaternion algebras and quartic extensions . Projective varieties with non-residually finite fundamental group . Quantum invariants of links and 3-valent graphs in 3-manifolds
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Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Critical sets in 3-space . Biquaternion algebras and quartic extensions . Projective varieties with non-residually finite fundamental group . Quantum invariants of links and 3-valent graphs in 3-manifolds"
- Statement of Responsibility
- by Matthew Grayson and Charles Pugh . by Tsit Yuen Lam, David B. Leep, and Jean-Pierre Tignol . by Domingo Toledo . by Vladimir Turaev
- Publisher
- Institut des hautes études scientifiques
- [Distributed except for the United States, Canada and Mexico by] Presses Universitaires de France
- [Distributed for the United States, Canada and Mexico by] Springer-Verlag
- Publication Year
- 1993
- Book size
- 27 cm
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Includes bibliographical references
At head of title: Institut des hautes études scientifiques
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130282269247042176
- NII Book ID
- BA21769816
- 2130460631
- Text Lang
- en
- Country Code
- fr
- Title Language Code
- en
- Place of Publication
- Bures-sur-Yvette
- Paris
- New York
- Data Source
- CiNii Books