Греческо-старославянский конкорданс к дребнейшим спискам славянского перевода eвангелий = Greek-Old Church Slavic concordance to the oldest versions of the translation of the gospel texts : (codices Marianus, Zographensis, Assemanianus, Ostromiri)
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Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Греческо-старославянский конкорданс к дребнейшим спискам славянского перевода eвангелий = Greek-Old Church Slavic concordance to the oldest versions of the translation of the gospel texts : (codices Marianus, Zographensis, Assemanianus, Ostromiri)"
- Statement of Responsibility
- Ирина Люсен
- Publisher
- [Uppsala University]
- Almqvist & Wiksell International [distributor]
- Publication Year
- c1995
- Book size
- 25 cm
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130282269288818688
- NII Book ID
- BA27583162
- 9155436587
- Country Code
- sw
- Title Language Code
- ru
- Place of Publication
- Uppsala
- Stockholm, Sweden
- Data Source
- CiNii Books