Music and some highly musical people : containing brief chapters on I. A description of music. II. The music of nature. III. A glance at the history of music. IV. The power, beauty, and uses of music. Following which are given sketches of the lives of remarkable musicians of the colored race. With portraits, and an appendix containing copies of music composed by colored men

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Bibliographic Information

"Music and some highly musical people : containing brief chapters on I. A description of music. II. The music of nature. III. A glance at the history of music. IV. The power, beauty, and uses of music. Following which are given sketches of the lives of remarkable musicians of the colored race. With portraits, and an appendix containing copies of music composed by colored men"
Statement of Responsibility
by James M. Trotter
  • Johnson Reprint
Publication Year
  • 1968
Book size
23 cm

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Reprint. Originally published: Boston Lee and Shepard, 1881

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