Air pollution modeling and its application

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"Air pollution modeling and its application"
edited by C. De Wispelaere
  • Plenum Press
  • c1981-
26 cm
  • 1
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"Published in cooperation with NATO Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society."

"Proceedings oh the Twelfth International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application, held August 25-28, 1981, at SRI International, Menio Park, California"--Verso t.p.

"International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application (13th: 1982: Ile des Embiez, France)"

"Proceedings of the Eleventh International Technical Meeting on Air Polution Modeling and its Application, held November 24-27, 1980, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands"--Verso of t.p

"Proceedings oh the Fifteenth NATO/CCMS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application, held April 15-19, 1985, in St. Louis, Missouri"--T.p. verso.

"Proceedings of the Sixteenth NATO/CCMS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application, held April 6-10, 1987 in Lindau, Federal Republic of Germany"

"Proceedings of the Seventeenth NATO/CCMS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application, held September 19-22, 1988, in Cambridge, United Kingdom"--VII t.p. verso

"Proceedings of the Eighteenth NATO/CCMS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modeling and Its Apprication, held May 13-17, 1990, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada"--VIII t.p. verso

Vol. 7. Edited by Han van Dop

Vol. 5. Edited by C. De Wispelaere, Francis A. Schiermeier and Noor V. Gillani

Vol. 6. Edited by Han van Dop

Vol. 8. Edited by Han van Dop and Douw G. Steyn

Vol. 9. Edited by Han van Dop and George Kallos

Vol. 10. Edited by Sven-Erik Gryning and Millan M. Millan

Vol. 11. Edited by Sven-Erik Gryning and Francis A. Schiermeier

Includes bibliographies and indexes



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