An anthropological report on Indian use and occupancy of northern Michigan . Ethnohistorical report on the Saginaw Chippewa . Economic and historical report on northern Michigan . Historical report on the Sault Ste. Marie area . The Chippewa of eastern lower Michigan

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Bibliographic Information

"An anthropological report on Indian use and occupancy of northern Michigan . Ethnohistorical report on the Saginaw Chippewa . Economic and historical report on northern Michigan . Historical report on the Sault Ste. Marie area . The Chippewa of eastern lower Michigan"
Statement of Responsibility
Erminie Wheeler-Voegelin . David B. Stout . Robert M. Warner . Robert M. Warner, Lois J. Groesbeck . Helen Hornbeck Tanner
  • Garland Pub.
Publication Year
  • 1974
Book size
23 cm.

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1st title: Before the Indian Claims Commission, docket nos. 58 and 18E, defendant's exhibit no. 25

2nd title: Docket no. 57, Saginaw Chippewa, et al. v. the United States

3rd title: Indian Claims Commission docket no. 57, plaintiff exhibit V-131

4th title: Indian Claims Commission docket no. 18-F and 18-R, plaintiff's exhibit V-42

5th title: Docket no. 18G + 57, plaintiffs exhibit no. 106

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