Roi Et

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Bibliographic Information

"Roi Et"
Statement of Responsibility
prepared by The Army Map Service (AMLD), Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army
  • The Army Map Service (AMLD), Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army
  • Ed. 2-AMS
Publication Year
  • 1958
Book size
on sheet 56 x 74 cm
cartographic material(map)
Other Title
  • Roi Et, Thailand; Laos
  • Indochina and Thailand 1:250,000 (Thailand) : Roi Et
  • Series L509
  • NE 48-14, Roi Et

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Scale 1:1:250,000 ; Transverse Mercator projection

Legend and glossary in English and French

"Contour interval 50 meters with supplementary contours at 25 meter intervals transverse mercator projection "

"Blue numbered lines indicate the 10,000 meter universal transverse mercator grid, zone 48, Everest spheroid = Les lignes chiffrées en bleu correspondent au quadrillage myriamétrique UTM, du fuseau 48"

"The last four digits of the grid numbers are omitted = Les quatre derniers chiffres des numéros de quadrillage sont omis"

"1955 magnetic declination for this sheet varies from 0°15′ easterly for the center of the west edge to 0°30′ easterly for the center of the east edge. Mean annual change is 0°02′ westerly = 1955 déclinaison magnétique varie de 0°15′ e sur le bord ouest de la feuille a 0°30′ e sur le bord est de la feuille. La variation annuelle est d'environ 0°02′ vers l'ouest"

"Figures in red denote approximate distances in kilometers between stars = Les chiffes en rouge entre les étoiles indiquent les distances approximatives en kilomètres"

"The delineation of international boundaries on this map must not be considered authoritative"

"On this map a lane is considered as being a minimum of eight feet (2.5 meters) in width = Sur cette carte une voir correspond à une largeur minimum de 8 pieds (2.5 mètres)"

"Printed by Army Map Service, Corps of Engineers 7-59, 765621"

Compiled using various maps from a variety of sources

Relief shown by contours, shading and spot heights

Includes location diagram, glossary and reliability diagram

Map includes part of Laos

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