Narrative of two voyages to the river Sierra Leone, during the years 1791-2-3, with a succinct account of the distresses and proceedings of that settlement; a description of the manners, diversions, arts, commerce, cultivation, custom, punishments, &c. and [e]very interesting particular relating to the Sierra Leone Company : also the present state of the slave trade in the West Indies, and the improbability of its total abolition . and, History of a six weeks' tour through a part of France, Switzerland, Germany, and Holland : with letters descriptive of a sail round the Lake of Geneva, and of the glaciers of Chamouni

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Bibliographic Information

"Narrative of two voyages to the river Sierra Leone, during the years 1791-2-3, with a succinct account of the distresses and proceedings of that settlement; a description of the manners, diversions, arts, commerce, cultivation, custom, punishments, &c. and [e]very interesting particular relating to the Sierra Leone Company : also the present state of the slave trade in the West Indies, and the improbability of its total abolition . and, History of a six weeks' tour through a part of France, Switzerland, Germany, and Holland : with letters descriptive of a sail round the Lake of Geneva, and of the glaciers of Chamouni"
Statement of Responsibility
A.M. Falconbridge . Mary Shelley and Percy Shelley
  • Routledge
  • Synapse
Publication Year
  • 2006
Book size
23 cm
Other Title
  • Narrative of two voyages to the river Sierra Leone
  • History of a six weeks' tour through a part of France

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Reprint. Originally published: 1st work: 2nd ed. London : Printed for L.I. Higham, 1802. 2nd work: London : T. Hookham : C. and J. Ollier, 1817

ISBN for set "Women's travel writing": 9780415320344, 0415320348, 4901481940

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