British masculinity in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1731 to 1815

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"British masculinity in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1731 to 1815"
Statement of Responsibility
Gillian Williamson
  • Palgrave Macmillan
Publication Year
  • 2016
Book size
23 cm

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Includes bibliographical references (pages 250-270) and index

Summary: "Launched in 1731, the monthly Gentleman's Magazine was the dominant periodical of the eighteenth century, drawing its large readership from across the literate population of Great Britain and the English-speaking world. Its readers were highly responsive. By the 1740s their letters, poems and family announcements, especially obituaries, filled at least half its pages, sitting alongside articles by a circle that included Samuel Johnson. It was a Georgian social network as readers engaged in a continuous dialogue with each other, but not all these readers were as comfortably established as gentlemen as the title implied. This study traces how, from launch to the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, the magazine developed as a vehicle for the creation and national dissemination of a new middling-sort masculine gentlemanliness in a Britain that was increasingly commercial, fluid and open. It was an accessible gentlemanliness based on an ideology of merit through occupational success allied to personal probity. F

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