放送通信 高等學校 基礎學力 프로그램 現場 適用 研究
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Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "放送通信 高等學校 基礎學力 프로그램 現場 適用 研究"
- Publisher
- 韓國教育開發院
- Publication Year
- 1986.12
- Book size
- 24cm
- Other Title
- 방송 통신 고등 학교 기초 학력 프로그램 현장 적용 연구
- An experimental study on methods utilizing the basic achievement program for air and correspondence high school (ACHS) students
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英文abstractのタイトル: An experimental study on methods utilizing the basic achievement program for air and correspondence high school (ACHS) students
研究責任者: 金炳聲
研究者: 崔允道, 鄭宗大, 孫晶煥
參考文獻: p85-86
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130282271323890816
- NII Book ID
- BA76329040
- Text Lang
- ko
- Country Code
- ko
- Title Language Code
- ko
- Place of Publication
- 서울
- Data Source
- CiNii Books