Daftar nama pohon-pohonan Djawa-Madura : dengan keterangan tentang penjaran dan ukurannja (telah diperbaiki) = Verbeterde boomnamenlijsten van Java en Madura met aantekreningen over de verspreiding en afmetingen = Revised list of treespecies of Java-Madura with notes on their distribution and dimensions, etc.
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Bibliographic Information
- Title
- "Daftar nama pohon-pohonan Djawa-Madura : dengan keterangan tentang penjaran dan ukurannja (telah diperbaiki) = Verbeterde boomnamenlijsten van Java en Madura met aantekreningen over de verspreiding en afmetingen = Revised list of treespecies of Java-Madura with notes on their distribution and dimensions, etc."
- Statement of Responsibility
- F.H. Hildebrand
- Publisher
- Bosbouwproefstation (Balai Penjelidikan Kehutanan, or, Forest Research Institute)
- Publication Year
- 1951
- Book size
- 29 cm
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Title in Indonesian, Dutch and English
Text partly in English
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1130282271327940608
- NII Book ID
- BB2224109X
- Country Code
- io
- Title Language Code
- id
- Place of Publication
- Bogor
- Data Source
- CiNii Books